Creating a path for Rewarding Diversity in Central Europe and Euro-Asia.
The challenge
Our client, Porsche, is in a continuous search for rewarding success in all its different shapes and sizes, but also, with special attention to the extent of diversity from within this success, hence, Porsche wanted to tackle the lack of diverse representation (especially female) among investors, founders, and other stakeholders in the startup ecosystem.
The solution
Central European Startup Awards and Euro Asian Startup Awards, which are parts of Global Startup Awards, provided an opportunity for Porsche to raise awareness of the importance of diversity by creating a tailor-made Category called Diversity Role Model that is in search for an individual who is known for their outstanding achievements and contribution to the mission of empowering more women and/or members of underrepresented groups.
The result
Having the Partnership with Central European Startup Awards and Euro Asian Startup Awards, our client can receive further insights to contextualized data from the two regions of their choice, taking into consideration the level of accuracy of receiving nominations that fit the criteria, this partnership made it possible for individuals who support diversity to receive the exposure and recognition they deserve.
Diversity Role Model - In Search for the Diversity Activists.
Porsche as a partner of Central European Startup Awards and Euro Asian Startup Awards was enabled with the right tools to design a set of search criteria for an individual who is known for their outstanding achievements and contribution to the mission of empowering more women and/or members of underrepresented groups to become founders, investors, and leaders in their local and/or international startup and innovation ecosystem.
Creating the network and finding the nodes: Ecosystem Partners
Part of being a Category Owner in Global Startup Awards is getting exposed to what this partnership brings along, in the case of Porsche, we managed to allocate our resources to employ our existing partners in addition to finding the corresponding partners that match the predefined theme, thus, uniting expertise in two regions to help find the right person, who:
Must perform his/her activity in the country that they are participating in.
Must be a professional in the startup ecosystem as a founder, investor, or leader in the startup ecosystem.
Leads a specific organization and/or an activity to promote and enable more women and/or members of underrepresented groups to become professionals in the startup and innovation ecosystem.
Content Creation, Branding, and Exposure to Diversity Activism in over 28 countries.
This partnership empowers using the competition framework as an opportunity to network with the most influential activists in over 28 countries in Central Europe and Euro Asia, this is conducted through a professional process of receiving inspiration from Porsche and converting it into high-end content that goes to a well-targeted audience in the two regions, thus, promoting success stories to inspire the next generation of founders and changemakers - independent of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion.
Engaging with content